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Terms & Conditions

Terms of Use

Thank you for using ChatoBot (the "Service").

Please read these Terms carefully. By using ChatoBot or signing up for an account, you're agreeing to these Terms.

Acceptance of Terms

ChatoBot ("Service") is a platform that allows you to build, train, and deploy conversational AI for businesses.

As a customer of the Service or a representative of an entity that's a customer of the Service, you're a "Member" according to this agreement (or "you").

By using the platform in any way, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to be bound by these Terms of Service, ChatoBot's Privacy Policies, and Acceptable Use Policies. Additionally, you agree to abide by all applicable laws in all of your actions while using ChatoBot services.

Accounts, Passwords & Security

You must be a registered user to access the Service. You are responsible for keeping your password secure. You will be solely responsible and liable for any activity that occurs under your user name.

Privacy and Communications

You acknowledge and agree that Backlink Monitor may occasionally send you communications regarding your account or the Service via email or any other source as you provide us.

Membership restrictions

ChatoBot may not be used in association with any product, service, deal, or activity that:

  • Violates any rule or regulation of the government, or allows others to promote or support such behavior.

  • Violates the terms and conditions of any electronic funds transfer network, including China UnionPay, Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, JCB, and Diners Club.

  • Threatens to harm our or any potential partner electronic money transfer network's reputation.

  • Generates a considerable risk of chargebacks, fines, damages, or other liabilities.

Termination of Service

We reserve the right to terminate your account at any time. You also have the option of canceling your account at any time as decided on the visible terms at the time of payment.


We do not provide refunds in any case. Most of the refunds will be done on a case by cases basis as per our discretion. No other user or third party can influence that. We might issue a refund if we terminate our Services to you without cause before the end of the duration for which you have paid. There is no other circumstance in which you will be entitled to a refund from us. We do not provide refunds if your account is suspended because of a violation of our Anti–Spam Policy, Terms of Service or any other malicious activities are done to harm the site’s visitors. 


Subscribers will get access to one or more tools, and services as per the payment option subscribed to.


We may modify or terminate our services at any time, for any reason, and without notice. In the event of any ambiguity or conflict, the information presented on individual pages shall prevail. We reserve the right to modify these Terms of Service at any time without notice. Please review these Terms of Service on occasion as they may change in the future. We may, but have no obligation to, remove accounts and content containing what we determine as unlawful, offensive, threatening, defamatory, obscene or otherwise objectionable material or is harmful to the business in any way as we deem fit. We will remove content that violates any party’s intellectual property or these Terms of Service.

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